Talks, Presentations and Panels
Facilitating development of interactive wheelchair sonifications. Paper presentation at InMusic24, June 14-16, Oslo.
NTNU Musikkteknologi. KI i kunstnerisk arbeid, forskning og undervisning. (NTNU Music Technology. AI in artistic work, research and teaching. Webinar April 25, 2024)
Kunstig intelligens og musikk - Drepende for skaperkraften eller kreativ medspiller? Foredrag på fagdag for lærere ved studieretning for musikk, dans og drama, Trøndelag fylkeskommune, 29. november.
- Sonification of automated movement analysis focusing on onsets and endings in interactive dance. Presentation at Casa Paganini, Genova, January 20.
Beginnings and endings - Exploring the creative possibilities of sound-movement onsets and endings in interactive dance. Digital presentation for ICST (ZHdK), May 4th.
Science of Music, Music of Science. Panel at India Science Festival, January 24.
Aesthetics, technology and site-specificity in two artistic interactive performances. Invited presentation, KTH Stockholm, November 3 2020.
Presentation of the Accents in Motion/Dance AI project. With Lilian Jap, Kirsi Mustalahti and Joseph Wilk. MTF Labs Aveiro Portugal, October 13, 2020. Arranged by MTF Labs.
Modalities of Listening, NTNU ARTEC Seminar Series Seminar. NTNU, September 21 2020. Webinar with Nina Eidsheim Garth Paine, Hanna Musiol, Thomas Richard Hilder, Ajotikar Rasika and Andreas Bergsland. Arranged by NTNU ARTEC.
Accessibility in Web Audio. Conference panel at the Web Audio Conference, Trondheim 2019. With David Brüggermann, Monica Ruud and Miranda Moen.
Kryssadaptiv prosessering som musikalsk intervensjon. Faglig foredrag på Digitale kultur, estetiske praksiser, Dokkhuset Trondheim 10.september 2019. With Øyvind Brandtsegg, Andreas Bergsland, Trond Engum and Carl Haakon Waadeland. Arrangert av Kulturrådet.
Challenges and possibilities for musical knowledge transmission, learning and education between music disciplines. Panel at the conference Knowing Music, Musical Knowing in Trondheim October 23-26 2018. Arranged by NTNU, Institutt for musikk, Grieg Research School (UiB).
Panel on interactive music systems at the RITMO International Motion Capture Workshop, November 12-14, 2018. With John Sullivan (McGill University), Cagri Erdem (UiO) and Charles Martin (UiO). Arranged by RITMO (UiO).
MotionComposer - A Therapy Device that Turns Movement into Music. With Robert Wechsler. Presentation at the IRCAM Forum Workshop, March 8 2018. Arranged by IRCAM.
Noen erfaringer fra prosjektet Lyd-rom-bevegelse. Med Sigurd Saue. Presentation at Music Technology Days, NMH, Oslo, 9. - 11.oktober 2017.
MotionComposer – a movement-into-music device for persons of different abilities – a demonstration/performance with audience participation. With Robert Wechsler. Invited presentation at Hochshule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg the 16th of November 2017 as a part of the lecture series Healing soundscape: Klang – Raum – Atmosphäre
Documentation in the Crossadaptive project. Presentation at Crossadaptive Seminar Trondheim, November 2-3 2017.
Lyd-rom-bevegelse. Presentation and performance (Research concert) With Sigurd Saue, Elen Øyen og Tone Pernille Østern. Trondheim, March 23 2017.
The Nordic Hub of DARIAH-EU: A DH Ecosystem of Cross-Disciplinary Approaches. Panel presentation together with Kora Golub, Marcelo Milrad, Marianne Ping Huang, Mikko Tolonen and Inés The 2nd Conference of the association of Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) at the University of Gothenburg March 14-16, 2017.
The Music Technology of Pop Music. Open lecture at the Rockheim National Museum for Popular Music, February 16, 2017.
Presentation of my research with MotionComposer at the NTNU Dariah-EU kickoff seminar, January 18 2017.
More Unheard Sounds - technique, creativity and application of transposed ultrasound. Conference paper presented at The 11th Art of Record Production Conference. December 2-4 2016.
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries: Current efforts, perspectives and challenges. Panel presentation together with Kora Golub, Marcelo Milrad, Marianne Ping Huang, Mikko Tolonen and Inés Matres at International Symposium on Digital Humanities, November 7-8. 2016.
Voice in Norwegian electroacoustic music. Panel presentation with Gyrid Kaldestad, Karin Krogh and Audun Vinger at The National Library in Norway, October 13 2016.
MotionComposer - a device for persons with (and without) disabilities. Any gesture can be musical. Affording difference in musical interaction design. Paper presentation at the Porto International Conference on Gesture as Creative Interface. Arranged by CITAR, Centro de Investigacão em Ciência e Tecnologia das Artes Universidade Catolica Portuguesa in Porto, Portugal, March 17-19, 2016.
Open lecture on the music technology of pop. Ringve Musem for Musical Instruments, February 19 2016.
- Aspects of Digital Affordances: Openness, Skill and Exploration. Paper presentation at the conference Affordances of Symbiosis, Weimar March 5-6 2015, as a part of the series International Metabody Forum (IMF).
- Bevegelse, musikk og uttrykksglede hos personer med og uten funksjonshemminger. Presentation at HEVET seminar, February 12 2015. Arranged by HEVET, NTNU.
Unheard Sounds: The aesthetics of inaudible sounds made audible. Paper presentation with Trond Engum at The Art of Record Production 2014 conference in Oslo, December 6th.
Unheard Sounds: The aesthetics of inaudible sounds made audible. Paper presentation with Trond Engum at The Art of Record Production 2014 conference in Oslo, December 6th.
Paper presentation at re-new Digital Arts Festival, Copenhagen (with Robert Wechsler): Movement-Music Relationships and Sound Design in MotionComposer, an Interactive Environment for Persons with (and without) Disabilities.
- Paper presentation at Electroacoustic Music Studies 2013, Lisbon (with Asbjørn Tiller): “I am sitting in that room reverberation, resonance and expanded meanings in Lucier s I am sitting in a room”. 2013-06-19. Abstract here.
Paper presentation at Lydhørt, Musikkteknologidagene 2011 (with Tone Åse): Stemmemøter . 2011-05-06 - 2011-05-08.
Paper presentation at The Art of Artistic Research (with Tone Åse): Voice Meetings interdisciplinary cooperation in artistic research.; 2011-05-06-2011-05-08, NMH, Oslo.
Paper presentation at The International Performativity Seminar (with Tone Åse): Voice meetings . 2011.04.12-2011.04.14, NTNU.
Paper presentation at The International Performativity Seminar: Musicology and the Performance Turn ; 2011.04.12-2011.04.14, NTNU
Paper presentation at Propellen scenetekstmønstring: føle, kjenne igjen, minnes lydkomposisjon som assosiativt og emotivt uttrykk: HØYBLOKKAS MINNEFORESTILLING: Minner som rituale og tekst i stedspesifikk performance praksis ; 2011-02-24 - 2011-02-24
- Graeme Sullivan’s Making Space: The Purpose and Place of Practice-led Research in the light of the project Høyblokka-Post mortem. MetLab, NTNU
- Paper presentation at Ear in Music, UiO: A framework for understanding and evaluating the experience of vocal sounds in electroacoustic music
- Paper presentation at TiVoice Trondheim International Voice Conference: Between voice and sound experiential limits of voice in electroacoustic music
Paper presentation at NoMuTe, Nordic Music Technology Conference: Wo/man in the machine: The perception of artificiality and humanness in electrovocal music
Paper presentation at the international seminar Open form at NTNU: On opening a closed form modelling Paul Lansky s Six Fantasies on a poem by Thomas Campion
Presentation at Music Technology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada: Modelling Lanky s Six Phantasies.
Presentation of paper at Electroacoustic Music Studies, EMS 2005, McGill University, Canada: From maximal to minimal voice concepts for evaluating vocal sounds in electroacoustic music.
Presentation of doctoral project at meeting for dept. of Music.
Read my bits! Speech between numbers and moving throats in Charles Dodge s and Paul Lansky’s vocal computer music . Paper presented on insternational conference Arts of Motion, arranged by Aesthetic Technologies 1700-2000.
Støy og identitetsgradasjoner i transformerte stemmer . (Noise and identity transformations in transformaed voices ) Presentation for Aesthetic Technologies 1700-2000.
Presentation of doctoral project at Trondheim Matchmaking arranged by Trondheim center for electronic arts, TEKS.
Stemmetransformasjoner i elektroakustisk musikk ( Voice transformations in electroacoustic music ). Paper presented at Stemmens forvandlinger, conference arranged by Aesthetic Technologies 1700-2000 sept. 2003.