Andreas Bergsland

Andreas Bergsland

personal home page

Interactive dance collaboration

Interactive dance collaboration

New interactive dance collaboration with dancer Camille Jackson and choreographer Robert Wechsler

NTO talk - AI and music

NTO talk - AI and music

In September 2023, I had the honor of delivering a presentation to the music division of the Norwegian Association of Theatres and Orchestras (NTO)

Audio Mostly 2023

Audio Mostly 2023

A pilot study that explores the relationship between music and movement in dance phrases spontaneously choreographed to follow phrases of electroacoustic music

Particles environment in MotionComposer 3.0

Particles environment in MotionComposer 3.0

Project with Johanna Ciampa

Project with Johanna Ciampa

Moving, Listening and Being - An Iterative Process. Project and performance with Johanna Ciampa featuring 3D sonic landscapes with elements controlled by the dancer with the use of body-worn sensors

Constellation Stories performed in Springfield, Boston and Florence

Constellation Stories performed in Springfield, Boston and Florence

Constellation Stories with music by myself and cellist Madeleine Shapiro was performed twice in Massachusets (US) and once in Florence (It)

Interactive Digital Art & Societal Health Conference

Interactive Digital Art & Societal Health Conference

Invited conference talk about how interactive music and dance has the potential of promoting the health and well-being of users of all abilities

Multichannel setup in the Portal

Multichannel setup in the Portal

The image shows half of the room and eight of the loudpeakers in the NTNU Portal.

Casa Paganini interactive dance workshop

Casa Paganini interactive dance workshop

Interactive dance workshop with dancer Cora Gasparotti at Casa Paganini, Genoa
