ERASMUS+ lectures in Foggia

ERASMUS+ lectures in Foggia


As a part of an ERASMUS+ exchange I visited Conservatorio di musica Umberto Giordano in Foggia, Italy during a little week in February 2025. This was coordinated by professor Nicola Monopoli from the conservatory. As a part of the exchange I held one lecture and one lecture-workshop:

February 19

Lecture: Facets of electroacoustic music: Linking analysis, theory and composition

The lecture presented examples of how electroacoustuc music theory and listening-based analysis can be linked to linked to compositional practice using newer and older examples from the electroacoustic repertoire.

Download slides

Among the discussed pieces were:

  • Christian Zanési: Memory Movie
  • Hildegard Westerkamp: Beneath the Ocean Floor
  • Bernard Parmegiani: Étude élastique
  • Trevor Wishart: Imago
  • Manuela Blackburn: Microplastics

February 20

Lecture/workshop: Making interactive music from body movements

The lecture-workshop discussed opportunities and challenges with making interactive music from bodily movements using different kinds of movement sensors. Examples from the lecturer’s own practice as well as other practitioneers will be discussed.

The workshop part involved hands-on work with IMU-sensors exploring their expressive potential.

Participants used Max for displaying sensor data and Csound for pre-process and sonify the data streams.

The sensors used were NGIMU from x-io and RIoT Bitalino from pluX.

Download workshop material (.csd/.udo files + MIDI-through.maxpat).

Download slides

STOCOS - Two Pandoras

Marie Bruand & Sarah Nabi - STMS-IRCAM-CNRS-SU

Airsticks 2.0

Jackson - Bergsland - Wechsler: you say you love your children above all else

Pictures from the workshop

Andreas showing sensor values

Participants following the workshop